Word #15 of 100 – Scarcity

Word #15: Scarcity.

With all due respect to the late Stephen Covey who coined the “abundance versus scarcity” framework, I don’t agree with how it’s been oversimplified.

It, ironically, is limiting.

It simplifies abundance into “good” and scarcity into “bad.”

What I see in the work of humans around me is that scarcity is the catalyst for creativity and gratitude.

Creative constraints fuel powerful new thinking.

Hunger spurs us on.

Boredom helps us wonder and grow.

Scarcity beats down the monster of entitlement nipping at our heels.

My time is scarce and unrecoverable. This knowledge helps me know how to be – just be – with my children.

Scarcity is real.

So is abundant love, collaboration and possibility.

It’s both and. Not either or.