To Write a Family Plan or Not to Write a Family Plan?

Weighing the options:

On one hand,

  • I’m too busy.
  • The family isn’t together enough to get it done.
  • It feels to “business-y” for our family.
  • I don’t know where to start.

On the other,

  • I’m tired of being too busy.
  • I crave being fully present with my family more often.
  • I want to cease wasting time and money.
  • I desire the Acton Academy journey of purposeful living as a family.
  • And there’s that hobby I’ve been promising myself.

At Acton, we as families commit to writing family plans and sharing them with the community. The decision to follow through is up to you.

For the record, I commit to completing ours by the deadline of July 30 even if it’s just a sketch.

(To read previous posts with more details on this topic, enter Family Plan in the search box above.)